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CXone Expert Clone Site 087

How To Disposition A Call


Note: Group Retiree (RET) will Disposition on Certificate - refer to Group Retiree (RET) Line of Business Specific section. 
Refer to the steps below on how to create a new disposition. 

 Step 1: 

 Click Select Disposition.

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 Step 2: 

 Select the Category from the list that applies to the call. 

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 Step 3: 

 OneForce Disposition Reference Chart (Multi LOB) 

Select appropriate Sub Category drop-down. 

Note: A Category and Sub Category selection is required in order to save the disposition(s). 

 Step 4: 

If you need to add other categories, select, Add Disposition. Select up to 5 dispositions per disposition submission. If a disposition needs to be removed, select the "trash can" on the appropriate disposition. 

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 Step 5: 

 Check boxes as appropriate to call. 

  • Route Case: Determines if case should be routed for research. Select "Yes" to route the case for research or "No" if research is not necessary. 
  • Grey pre-filled box = No workflow required and case will be closed - Will show "Not to be routed" 
  • Route To: Shows what group the case will be routed to (CD, SCL, Admin, Tier 2). 
  • Send Communication For This Case: Leaving this box checked will create proactive notifications for this case (if applicable for the Line of Business). If a member requests or would like their follow up to be via a call back, please uncheck the Send Communications for this case box for a call back case to be created. 

Route ONLY ONE disposition per "Route to" team.  

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Step 6: 

Customer can chose to receive notification via SMS (Text), Email, both, or neither (options vary by Line of Business). Must also enter Preferred email or Opt in Phone Number if customer wants one or both of these methods. 
Do Not Ask will be listed as an option in the Preferred Method of Communication (PMOC) drop down. This option is not to be utilized by the BC. If Do Not Ask is appearing, BC does not have to ask. 
For complete procedure (including SMS Opt In/Out), refer to Preferred Method of Communication section. 
For notification types, refer to Proactive Notifications (Email/SMS) sections. 

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Step 7: 

Add comments and click Submit Disposition. 

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