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CXone Expert Clone Site 087

How do I file a travel insurance claim?



In the event that something unplanned happens during your trip and you need to file a claim for benefits:

  • Notify us of your claim within 30 days after the expense or loss is incurred or as soon as is reasonably possible;
  • Written proof of the claim must be submitted within 90 days, but not later than 12 months after the date of the event or loss.


  1. The completion of any claim forms provided by our underwriters (the Company)
  2. Original receipts;
  3. A written report, including a diagnosis by an attending Physician, if applicable, and any other form of documentation that the Company needs to validate your claim;
  4. Documentation required by the Company to substantiate cancellation, interruption, trip delay or schedule change if for other than medical reasons. If death is the cause of the claim, an official document such as a death certificate that establishes cause of death will also be required.

For example:

  • Copy of the subpoena if cancelling due to jury duty or being called as witness;
  • Letter from employer if cancelling due to a business meeting or job transfer;
  • Letter from airline confirming the change in the scheduled flight or the cause of the flight delay.

Original substantiating claims documentation must be provided, however, the Company may accept certified copies if the original documentation cannot be provided for a reasonable cause. Failure to provide applicable substantiation for a claim shall invalidate any claim. All documents required to support or validate the claim, including English or French translations of such documents, must be provided free of expense to the Company.


  • The Company will pay covered claims within 30 days of receiving all of the necessary information required to accurately assess your claim.
  • Benefit payments will be made to you or to any person or entity having a valid assignment to such benefits. In the event of your death, any balance remaining or benefits payable for loss of life will be paid to your estate, unless otherwise indicated.


If you have a claim in dispute, you must begin any legal action or proceeding against the Company within 24 months following the date of the event which caused the claim. If, however, this limitation is invalid according to the laws of the province or territory where your policy was issued, you must commence any legal action or proceeding within the shortest time limit permitted by the laws of that province or territory. All legal actions or proceedings must be brought in the province or territory of Canada where you permanently reside, or if mutually agreeable, the action can be brought in the province where the head office of the Company is located.





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