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CXone Expert Clone Site 087

Pipeline Location

How do I know if there is a pipeline near my home, workplace or community?


You can recognize the approximate location of an pipeline by identifying the pipeline markers. Markers should never be used as a reference for the exact location of a pipeline.

All pipeline markers provide the name of the pipeline operator, product being transported and a telephone number for reporting pipeline emergencies.

The general location of transmission pipelines and contact information for the pipeline operators is available through the National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) available at Gathering lines are not included in the NPMS. If you are located in Texas, you can view both gathering and transmission lines on the mapview provided by the Texas Railroad Commission. For information on gathering lines in other states that may be present in your area, contact us at or call 877-799-2650.

Do not rely on the National Pipeline Mapping System or pipeline markers when planning to dig. A call to 811, the national “Call Before You Dig” telephone number, is necessary to properly locate pipelines and other buried utilities before excavation.

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